Sunday, April 3, 2011

36 weeks and money!

I know that I am way behind on my blogging so here is a little catch up. This is a belly picture of me and baby A at 36 weeks. I am currently 39 weeks and have gained 4-5 more pounds since this picture!!

My little buddies. They are so excited about the arrival of baby A.

On this particular Sunday I also had a baby shower at church. One of the gifts was this money bouquet. I had never seen one of these before and thought that it was wonderful!
There was $52 on this money bouquet!! It was a very nice baby gift!

Baby A arrives tomorrow morning! We are all excited and anxiously waiting. Today feels like it is just dragging by!!

1 comment:

  1. Candi was telling me about your money bouquet! Very cool! Can't wait to see baby A!
