Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Favorite 3 Year Old

This boy is my favorite 3 year old. He is very sweet and cuddly. He is always quick to say "I sor mommy." He is always keeping me on my toes because you never know what he is going to get in to next! I love him with all of my heart......

Even when he refuses to completely potty train!! He is partially potty trained. By that I mean that he will do #1 in the potty but not #2. I know, TMI!! But that is my life right now. Continually trying to get him to do #2 in the potty. I am convinced that he will be wearing Pull Ups to kindergarden.

Yes, we all feel like this son!! Go to the bathroom already so that we can move on with our lives!!!

But then he grabs my hand and says "Help me mommy. I cant walk tru this snow wit-out you!" And we walk hand in hand through the 7 inches in the snow from the front yard to the backyard so that we can go play with Old Oliver. (the name that L gave him BTW) And it is at these moments that I want another baby just like him! :-)

And then he poops in his pants and all thoughts of another baby are forgotten!

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