Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More snow and the story of the sled

The Story of the Sled
So the story goes that when Cale's dad was a boy, there was a big snow. But the Whiteley family did not have a sled. So Grady and his siblings went out that day and borrowed their friends sleds. When Grady's dad (PaPa to us) came home that night after working all day he surprised the kids with this brand new sled. They were to excited to go to bed after getting a new sled!! So PaPa parked his car at the bottom of the hill and shined the headlights on the hill so that the kids could try out their new sled. It was midnight before they stopped. The cost of the sled in the 1950's was $6.75. The price is still written on the back. Still today this is the favorite sled to use. It works better than any other sled that we have.
Enjoying the snow day out at the farm.

Using Grandpa's sled!!
This would be me, keeping it real. I am ready for the snow days to go away. Everytime we have snow my front hallway ends up looking like this. We have to dig for hats, gloves, shoes, scarves, etc. and it all ends up in the floor when we are done using them. I will give you one guess who gets to clean it up!!!! Snow snow go away.....

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