Saturday, March 27, 2010

Happy Easter

The other day I did a post about E getting his braces made at therapy. I thought that I would do a post about the Occupational Therapy that E gets too. He only goes one day a week, but he always has plans when he gets there. E has always loved doing crafts and Ms. Kati lets him do something every week. Most of the time Ms. Kati does the crafts that I dont like to do at home, you know, the messy ones. I will be forever grateful to her for this!!

On this particular day she decided that they would color eggs for Easter. This is another thing that I have attempted ONCE in the six years of E's life.

E helping Ms. Kati pour the vinegar into the cups to make the colors. This smelled up the entire room. I am sure the other therapists in the room were loving us at this point.

Then E used this pen to color designs on the egg. Ms. Kati is so sneaky!! Working therapy in to a fun craft idea!!

Then they put the eggs in to the dye.

And like magic the dye didn't color the spots that E had used the pen on.

While they are letting the eggs get darker in color, Ms Kati gets sneaky again.
"E, lets do a little exercise while we are waiting on the eggs."
This is Ms. Kati putting weights on E's arms.
She just LOVES having her picture taken 5,000 times in one day!!

E doing his exercises.

The eggs are now done being colored. They put them in the box and Ms. Kati gets her picture taken AGAIN with the colored eggs!! Not sure why E is leaning back so much for this picture. by the way.

Ms. Kati is sneaky again and convinces E to go do another excercise while they let the eggs dry. Here he is pulling himself to her using the rope.

Then they decide to work on catching and throwing the ball.
I love how E's eyes are closed when he is catching the ball.

And then he does the swing. I am sure that there is some therapy involved here, but I think E has alot of fun doing this too.

Now they go back and finish the eggs by putting stickers on them.
Again, this is a sneaky way to get in some therapy!!

This egg was my favorite. They cut out colored foil and glued them on to the egg.
Thank you Ms. Kati for making therapy fun!!

Happy Easter a little bit early.

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