Thursday, March 4, 2010

Stay With Me

This is going to be the longest post ever, so come back to it if you dont have time. If you choose to continue reading, yes, there is an end! This is about a very important place for our family. This is E's therapy clinic.

When my boys get here they are glued to the television as soon as they walk in. There is always a movie on. I love all of the pictures of the kids on the walls. You cannot read the sign that is hanging over the door but it says, "Unattended children will be given an esspresso and a free puppy!" I love it!!
It is amazing the people watching that you can do in this waiting room! The large frames on the wall are pictures of all of the therapists and office workers. They are wonderful!! My hubby also built the reception desk, just for your info!
This is Ms. Christy. She is E's physical therapist. We love her because she is so much fun and she does not take any whining off of E. She does make him work hard, even though this post is going to make therapy seem like no work at all.

This is the casting room where E's therapy is going to take place today. He is going to be casted for new braces for his feet. This wall has all of the "stuff" required to make the casts and I am sure a whole host of other things too!

This is E sitting on the table with a DVD player. He is going to watch Finding Nemo while he gets his casts made. This is rough isnt it??

The first thing that Ms. Christy is going to to is put a little sock on E's leg. There are proper terms for everything that is going to be used today, but I dont know what they are! So this is going to be called a little sock!
Then this yellow rubber thing, that is the technical term, is taped to E's leg over the sock. This little guy is soooo important for protecting E's leg. You will see why in a minute.

Then another "little sock" is put over the "yellow rubber thing."

I missed taking a picture of the next thing, but Christy has gotten a roll of the casting material and dips it in water to get it wet. Then she wraps the casting material around E's leg. She is wearing gloves because if you touch the casting material with your hands you will be sticky for days!!!

Once she gets E's leg wrapped, he has to stand up and so that she can bend the ankle into the right position before the cast gets hard. Notice E's face is still turned back towards the DVD player at this point!

This next picture will show why that "yellow rubber thing" is so important! Yes, she has taken a blade to my son's leg!!! She is cutting the cast off of E's leg.

Then she uses scissors to finish getting it off of his leg. Thank you Lord, for the person who made the "yellow rubber thing."

Then she just pulls the nice, wonderful yellow rubber thing out of the cast.

The cast can then just be pulled off of his leg.

After this is done we get to pick out the colors for the straps and for the foam padding that goes in the brace. This is also the final casts that they will send off to have the braces made.

E had a few minutes left after the casts were made so Ms. Christy let him pick something fun to do before he had to leave. He picked the zip line. He gets on this tube swing to go across the zip line.

He goes across the room to the wall with the padding and the ball pit.

This is where he falls off the swing and into the ball pit.

He loves doing this. What he does not love is when Ms. Christy makes him actually do some work to get OUT of the ball pit. He tries to get out of the work, but she wont let him.

It is time to go at this point and he and L run to the snack cabinet to get a treat. They usually come out with fruit snacks or suckers.

It was another good day at therapy. I will do another post when we get the braces in so that you can see them. We are very thankful for the braces and how they improve the way that E walks and moves. Thank you Lord for placing E in this period of time when his condition can be helped with modern technology. Also we thank the Lord for kind people who love children with disabilities and who want to make therapy a place where they can have fun while they work on building their skills.


  1. That therapy place is beautiful!

  2. Great pictures! I saw you snapping away yesterday. You should have pointed out all the WONDERFUL things your husband has done to make our clinic so great for the kids. We appreciate all you both do to help us make the clinic great!
