Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday to my baby!

You used to be so tiny!!

But you grew !!

From early on we knew that you were a funny little guy!

You like to make people laugh and to be silly! When you were little you only did this for a select few! Now you will do it for anyone who will laugh!

You have also always liked to dress up!!

And get into and under things!

You love birthdays and presents and hats!

You love silly things like big fly swatters and underwear pants!!

You will always be mommy's cuddlebug!

And my super strong boy!

You love to go and climb and jump and throw! You are all boy!!

L you are loved much!! You make us laugh everyday. You are also a wonderful little boy that has never ending energy! We cannot wait to see all of the great things that you are going to do someday! Our prayer is that you will grow up to love the Lord and fear Him always. We hope that you will pour your life into things that please Him.


  1. He's so adorable- can't believe he's getting so big!

  2. Look at that sweet chubby baby! It literally seems like that was yesterday!
