Saturday, May 15, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Well, it feels like it has been raining forever! E is done with school and I had big plans about keeping him busy this summer. We were going to see and do everything that we could.

But all of that changed when the rain came. I am not about to run 2 kiddos around town in the rain. Plus most of my activities were supposed to be outside. Days that included going to the park, library, farmers market, playing at the farm, etc.

So how do you keep from going crazy in a house with two kids all day?? Well, you look on facebook and find out good ideas from people who have the same problem! I read an idea about doing an indoor scavenger hunt. So we did that this morning!! I told the boys to go and find something and they would run off to see what they could find!

I sent them off to find a piece of fruit and L came back with the box of fruit snacks!! I also sent them to find something that they could wear. E came back with a hat and L came with a Pull Up. They found something that was special to them, something red, something that started with the letter C and something they could ride on. There were several other things and they had a good time with this! Then we had a race to see who could get all of the stuff put back where they found it because I was not about to put away all of that mess!!

That activity only took up about 20 minutes so of course we needed something else to do. We read through E's Clubhouse Jr magazine about spiders, cats that live in trees and did some puzzles and told jokes. If you know my kids you know that they love jokes! They love to hear them and then try and make up their own jokes. The boys jokes are horrible by the way!! Another project in the magazine was to make these magnets. E could do most of this by himself so I just had to help L.

E decided that he needed to draw a picture on the white board for our "bird" and "bunny". He loves to draw.

We read one more story out of the magazine and now it is almost lunch time! Hopefully we can come up with some more things for them to do this afternoon! I will be singing this song for another few days acording to the weather man...."rain, rain, go away, come again another day!!"

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