Thursday, May 13, 2010

Old Oliver

We got Oliver last fall and he has been great! Over the winter he got really shaggy and gross looking. We could not even see his eyes!

He was looking pretty bad! So we decided that he needed a hair cut!!
We were just not expecting him to come home looking like......

My shaggy pup is now a prissy pup!!
And he is thin! With all of that hair I thought that he was getting fat and I was not feeding him his full amount of food. He is actually a little guy!!

For some reason I feel like my Oliver has changed. He is not just some mutt that we brought home from the farm.

I still love him though! I just might not take him on any walks until he grows some of his hair back!!


  1. That is hilarious! Look at that dog! Haha!

  2. Hee hee! I think he's still cute. We love you Oliver! :)

  3. I can't believe how different he looks! And he does look skinny! He looks like a different breed.
