Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Weekend Part 2

Well, we started last weekend in a lazy way. I went to Rick's for donuts and Cale and E started on a Lego project. Cale used to do these all of the time when he was a little boy and he wanted to share that with his boys.

The pieces are so tiny that E has to work hard to get them on just right.

This is the completed model. It's a helicopter in case you could not tell.

E had a fun time doing this and is ready to do another one soon!

After the model project we decided to go out to the farm and play. We took the four wheeler to the slate banks and had a picnic. Needless to say, the boys were not sitting down eating for long. They were up playing in the water as soon as this picture was taken. Usually they had a sandwich in one hand and a rock in the other.

We did a little "hiking" or maybe you could just call it roaming around in the woods. But it was fun!

And we took tons of pictures! I am really being kind and not using all of the pictures that we took!

We went to one of several ponds and threw some rocks in the water. The boys were having competitions to see who could throw in the biggest rock. The look on L's face is hilarious as he is trying to throw this rock in the pond. It truly was to big for him!

E is lifting the same rock, that L could not quite throw in the water. He is always camera ready.

We went across the road and threw the mud so Cale could test out the four wheel drive and then we ended up on the Calico rocks so we could take some more pictures!

It is very tough to get L to look at the camera. Thank goodness for digital cameras. We would go through tons of film trying to get a good picture of L. He is such a busy boy!

Me and the boys on the rocks. This was not my favorite place that we visited. I was worried about snakes the whole time!!

The last place that we went to was to the "old house place." There used to be an old house on this part of the farm and you can still see several parts of the house. There are alot of pretty flowers growing around that area and so we took some more pictures. The funny thing is that of all places this is where we found a snake! So we did not stay long once we spotted him! We got back on the four wheeler and headed back to the house.

This is how we rode around the farm. It was a little tight, but it was fun. The boys took turn riding up front with daddy.

And we had to stop by and get some chocolate from Grandmother and taste some cookies that she was making.

That night we went to the Whiteley's for dinner and an Easter egg hunt. It was a busy day, but we had so much fun. We will definately be doing this again soon!


  1. I am SO GLAD you are blogging! It is a great way to record your memories. Love the picture of L with that big rock, seriously. That is hilarious. I was about to say something like
    "good job before getting out before the snakes come out," and then I read the rest of your post.

  2. and i used the word "before" twice for some reason...can't imagine why I am brain dead

  3. That picture of L made me laugh out loud!! That is so Cale! You got such a good picture of the boys with grandad and gmother!
