Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Soapbox

There is one thing that really drives me crazy and so today I am going to use my blog as my soapbox and tell you about it. It is ADULTS PLAYING ON PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT!!! Now I understand when there are NO kids around that it is tempting to race down the slides or do the monkey bars, but come on, YOU ARE AN ADULT!!! But when there ARE kids playing on the playground and you, the adult, come over and begin playing, I think that it insane!!

The main reason being that you scare the kids away. They dont want to play on the playground with adults and they are to small to challenge you about this. So what do they do? They STOP playing and get off of the playground. I know that you are not trying to scare little children, but please realize that you are doing just that. And you are not making friends of the parents either! Please remember who the playground is designated for.....the children!!

And yes, I was to chicken to get a picture of these people actually playing on the the play ground equipment, but trust me, they did.

****I will say this does not apply to parents and grandparents that are playing with their children or grandchildren. Sometimes kids need help and I understand that.****

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